Thursday, July 15, 2010

Connor and a Carrot

Not just ANY carrot but one from our very own garden! Grown from a tiny little seed into a wonderfully yummy snack.

From the very beginning of the growing process, Connor has been out there with me learning how deep to put the seeds in, which little plants are weeds and which ones are weeds to be plucked out, and what part of the plant we'll be eating when they are ready. He's been really fascinated with it all....a mother's dream!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Quilting Corner

This is still in the process of getting up and running but I figured that I'd let everyone know about my new site that I will be posting my quilting projects for myself and my clients to. I'm really excited to get this started and hope if you know anyone who needs some machine quilting done that you will give them my information.....yeah, I should probably post my number to my I in progress.
