Monday, September 21, 2009

Dog Sitting

This is a couple weeks old but the pictures were just so cute I had to post them.  We dog sat for a couple of friends of ours and Connor loved it.  He's getting used to dogs still so it was challenging at some moments but these puppies were so fun to play with.

Introducing Mr. Gibbs:

This shot was taken with him jumping on my back while I snapped the shot over my head.

Introducing Sparrow:
She wasn't quite as interested in the camera as Mr. Gibbs but she loved chasing Connor.

Mr. Gibbs was also very curious about Bear.  I had to keep Bear up high so that he couldn't climb in the car seat with him.  

Thanks Danny and Maddie for a fun week of watching your pooches!


Matt and Alissa said...

How fun! I am sure Conner just loved it. I know my kids would have, especially little Belle. They are such cute puppies. I really like boxers.