Friday, January 7, 2011


Sam finally dug his heels in and took the aptitude test that you need to take to qualify for the military. The average on the test is normally between 42-45 percent. My studly husband pulled out a 76!!!!!!

There is more good news: With this great score, he qualifies for any of the jobs that he would want.

The not so good news: They don't have any of his preferred jobs available at the moment.

So what happens next? We wait....and wait....and wait....until something opens up. Because something is bound to open up, right?

So for now, we stay here, he enjoys his work at HandiQuilter and makes the most out of every day. I stay home and continue making this house into what I want it to be. Little by little, we're getting there.

The next project: Undoing then Redoing the ceiling in the kitchen. Right now it's a drop ceiling and we're having some electrical issues with the lights. So the drop ceiling will be coming out, the messiness above it will be removed and fixed. Drywall will go up and new light fixtures mounted. Sounds simple right?!

Well, maybe not, but I'm looking forward to it. Because once the ceiling is redone, I can paint in there!


DJCannon said...

Sounds fun.....NOT!! But good luck with the kitchen and the wait.

BTW, I LOVE your new family picture in your header. So cute!!

Jessica said...

Oh wow, way to go Sam! Keep us posted on your adventures. We loved seeing you guys, it was so much fun spending time with your family!

Stacie said...

Sounds like lots of work...which is the most rewarding kind of work there is, right? Can't wait to see the before and afters!

Matt and Alissa said...

Way to go, Sam! I hope you hear from them soon on a job opening. Good luck on your kitchen.