Thursday, March 15, 2012

10 Months Old and a New Abode....

Here we are, the middle of the month already and I can't believe it. Yesterday marked one month since we arrived in El Paso. Wow.

Tuesday marked 10 months since Keith was born and what a little cutie! I mean check out these CHEEKS!

After two ridiculously difficult weeks in one hotel and almost a week in hotels while traveling before that, we were very anxious to get into our own place.  So anxious that we opted for living in an empty house for three days and three nights before our things arrived, over living in a hotel. It was worth the camping experience for separate bedrooms :)

Here's a small picture tour of our new place
The front.

My Quilting Corner.... which happens to be the front room as it's the only space large enough for the frame of the quilting machine and my desk.
Looking Up from My Quilting Corner into the loft.  LOVE this part of the house.
My extremely messy kitchen and dining room. 
From dining room into living room. Also messy. But I have happy kids....most of the time :)


  See? Look!
Oh wait, this one is just very tired but he was happy earlier.